I have the sensors to go along with my Approach S60 watch. I have some extraneous Max value distances in My Bag. For example, I have a Max distance on my Driver of 570 yards. How do I reset the Max distance values.
I have the sensors to go along with my Approach S60 watch. I have some extraneous Max value distances in My Bag. For example, I have a Max distance on my Driver of 570 yards. How do I reset the Max distance values.
You have to delete the faulty shot via Garmin Connect on your computer. You could also try the app Garmin Golf but im not able to save after deleting a shot using my Android phone.
Under the Golf menu item there should be something like Presentation of Stats, there you can see your longest shot and what date it was.
Then go to Scorecard menu and look up that specific round, select the hole of the longest shot by clicking the score on the scorecard.
This will open a map of that hole.
At the top right corner, click Edit/Add shot, then click the three dots next to the incorrect drive and select Remove/Delete Shot and then the Save button.
This does work. If we could have stated the round date for the shortest shot as well then that can be deleted too. It's clearly too complicated code wise to have the shot scatter diagram interactive so if you click on a ball it will take you to that shot and then it can be deleted. Next best is to have round details for both longest (done) and shortest (proposed improvement) then I can live with that.