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S60 Approach No Longer Charging

Recently the watch will not charge.  Not sure if its the watch or the charger that doesnt work.  Hoping its the charger.....less expensive to replace.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • Try to connect to pc to check if it will load, clean carefully the contacts on the S60, clean carefully the contact on the cable, try both directions of the end of the cable ...

  • I found that one of the pins was depressed on the cable connector and would not make contact when connected to the watch. I bought a new cable on Amazon and it connects and charges great again. 

  • My S-60 failed to charge with the Garmin cable. Almost sold it. But I didn't, instead I bought a cable online with a small disk. It was only about 12 euros. Problem solved, and it charges in a quarter of the time.