I have been googling a bit but could find data. I am using fenix 5 but i believe the golf recording and fit data file structure genrated would be same as S60. I did a gold activity but get my watch pausing / braking which has resulttet that instead of 1 files for the 18 holes, i got it split up in 3 fit files. My issue is that this files / activities are not picked up by Garmin Golf application (i am using android on my phone)m i see the activities in garmin connect and they flagged as golf activitym but they are not picked up by garmin golf. I have tried some online tool including Garmin. I am able to edit the activity files but none of the online tool i have seen is displaying any of the gold data (number stroke, distance strokes, etc ...)m cannot compare with a working activity files and see difference. Anybody has this issue or idea ?