This featured worked before on the Golf App but now I can only see historical shots on the web. Is this common or just on my iPhone? Not sure when it stopped working but I now it worked before.
This featured worked before on the Golf App but now I can only see historical shots on the web. Is this common or just on my iPhone? Not sure when it stopped working but I now it worked before.
I am not aware of any changes to the app that would prevent you from seeing this. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the Golf app to see if that makes any difference.
I have deleted and re-installed the app several times. I did more testing and I can see historical shots on rounds played before November 2019 bot not after. If I pick a scorecard from a course I have played for many years, I can see historical shots when I select a scorecard from October 2019 or before. If I select a scored for the same course from November 2019 or earlier I do not see historical shots.
It is likely best to reach out to Golf Product Support on this issue. We would be happy to further assist you.
I am experiencing the same problem. I have about 30 rounds recorded on my course but all of the sudden there’s no historical shots to be seen.
Same here, historical shots on web but not app.