Can you identify where the maximum distance is being recorded from?

I understand that there is no easy way to reset the average and maximum distances per club.

My question is whether there is an easy way to identify where the maximum distance is being recorded from (which round in my scorecards?).

My average distances look ok however a couple of my clubs have hugely incorrect maximum distances against them. Take Driver for example, average looks OK however the max is 450 which of course is wrong.

My longest drive shows in the stats and its not 450 so where has this figure been picked up from.

Thanks for any advice



  • You can find the longest drive in the Golf Statistics (PC Garmin Connect), but you have then to go to the shown scorecard and correct it. If you have more "wrong" recorded driver shots you have to correct scorecard by score card ... 

  • Thanks for the suggestion, are you able to be more specific as to the path to get to the right place as my connect doesn't show golf stats. I have scorecard, performance stats, course stats, leaderboards and swing analysis.

    If I look in perf stats my longest drive is as expected and I know it's true but it's not 450 which my maximum drive shows in the club stats on my phone.

    Thanks for any guidance available ...

  • It's in performance Stats - Drive, then below "Longest Drivershot". On the right you see the hole no and date.

    If you select "Show all" you can edit the hits.

  • Thank you for this.

    When I view perf stats I can see what I know to be my longest drive, 250 and when I click see all shots it simply goes to that scorecard. My "shot spread" diagram and my longest drive show the maximum being the 250 I know of, however my club performance data shows my average of 220 (right for me) but my max 450?

    I've been in every scorecard (not been playing that long) and amended every shot to the correct club etc

    Where else could it be getting this data from?

    Thanks for any help

  • If you have (sure?) corrected EVERY scorecard, then I don't know. Did you refresh the site or may be you have to clear the browser cache?

    What do you see if you use Garmin Connect Mobile on your smartphone?

  • To be honest that's where I do most my viewing as the PC stats for the clubs are not as easy to access, unless I am missing something of course.

    Both phone and PC show my longest drive as 250 but the club performance data shows 450??

  • Can you identify the date and hole where it comes from? If you can, on the scorecard below left you can mark that it should not be used in statistics, may be it helps ...

    You can also try to delete all shots of this hole.