CT10 Issue

Just played my first round with my Garmin S60 and CT10 tracking sensors and tbh i'm totally underwhelmed!

I've set the system so it alerts me when a club is taken from the bag and this works fine.

However, on several occasions when looking back over the round its failed to track specific club selection (had to edit and manually add it to the round) but more frustrating although it has logged data for my 5 Wood (shown it as a selected club within the golf app and displaying the distance) its failed to use that data in club performance (also within the app) Apparently my Max is 27 yards...even though the golf app shows my first drive as 176! 

I made sure I updated the software on my S60 using Garmin Express before pairing the CT10's but this doesn't seem to have made any difference whatsoever I would have expected with Garmin being a world leader in both GPS and tracking software that issues like this wouldn't occur.  

CT10's aren't cheap and tbh if the same issues arise on my next round their going straight back to the vendor I purchased them from.

  • I am sorry you are having issues with your Approach CT-10 sensors. Given your detailed description of the issue, it will be best if you reach out and call your regional Garmin Golf Product Support to go over the proper process, setup, and troubleshoot. We very, very rarely hear the types of comments you have stated regarding your Approach CT-10 sensors so I expect your issue to be able to be resolved.

    The Golf Product Support team will gladly work with you further. Your region's contact information is on the bottom.