I'm new to the world of Garmin Golf with my recent purchase of an Approach S60 in July (the very start of the outage). I'm finding the watch super useful on the course. However, the stats that are kept per club leave a bit to be desired from the golfers perspective.
Ideally the average distance tracking should enable the golfer to correctly gauge the right club for a given distance. The problem arises when mis-hits (duffs, shanks, fat, thin, etc) and creative shots (bunker shots, chips, pitches, bump and runs, etc) are included in the stat tracking. That causes the average club distances to get skewed making them less useful. Mis-hit information is certainly useful to help the golfer know where they need work. Likewise the effectiveness of creative shot making would be good to know. Not really sure how that would be best calculated/presented but would certainly be seen in the post-round review of a hole.
So my feature request would be that the watch software would allow for some meta data to track additional details about a given shot. Like the current feature that asks for which club was used for a shot, the watch could also ask the type of shot: solid, mis-hit, scramble. Then the average calculation could take mis-hits & scramble shots into account and would be more accurate for solid shots and helpful for club selection. Mis-hits per club could help identify which clubs need the most work. And effectiveness of the scramble shots can be followed.