**Feature Request** - to make stats more useful.

I'm new to the world of Garmin Golf with my recent purchase of an Approach S60 in July (the very start of the outage). I'm finding the watch super useful on the course. However, the stats that are kept per club leave a bit to be desired from the golfers perspective.

Ideally the average distance tracking should enable the golfer to correctly gauge the right club for a given distance. The problem arises when mis-hits (duffs, shanks, fat, thin, etc) and creative shots (bunker shots, chips, pitches, bump and runs, etc) are included in the stat tracking. That causes the average club distances to get skewed making them less useful. Mis-hit information is certainly useful to help the golfer know where they need work. Likewise the effectiveness of creative shot making would be good to know. Not really sure how that would be best calculated/presented but would certainly be seen in the post-round review of a hole.

So my feature request would be that the watch software would allow for some meta data to track additional details about a given shot. Like the current feature that asks for which club was used for a shot, the watch could also ask the type of shot: solid, mis-hit, scramble. Then the average calculation could take mis-hits & scramble shots into account and would be more accurate for solid shots and helpful for club selection. Mis-hits per club could help identify which clubs need the most work. And effectiveness of the scramble shots can be followed.

  • Good idea's you presented here.

    A lot of users have also suggested a lot of great ideas to be implemented in the watch in the past.

    Almost none of them have been added to the watch whatsoever.

    They only removed functionality from their golf watch like the dream round score in the Connect app for instance.

    How on earth can you not see your strokes hole by hole on a GOLF watch (Puts per hole, yes but strokes per hole, NO) after round of golf in the Club house to tinker over how you played with your friends.

    I also like the Garmin golf product line and I feel positive towards their golf products in general.

    But I just can not believe how much great functionality can be added on the software side and not being implemented by Garmin to blow the competition out of the golf course. Like you suggestions for instance.

    Their hardware is great, their support is friendly but....listening to supportive customers of their products could be improved.

    Also, your S60 is already at its end of life cycle since they implement a very aggressive new hardware release cycle to keep hardware sales going. They are obviously a hardware company and need sales to keep going. I understand, but such a short release cycle for an higher end expensive watch and leaving the users out in the rain on the course with no real updates anymore is not feeling great to me.

  • That is sad to hear but hardly surprising. Luckily I've had the pleasure of owning some tech where the developers/project managers have a very active presence in the user forums. Typically with that kinda of support many user defined enhancements do make it into the product. Other companies where the company presence comes from the support/helpdesk area of the company, much less effective. :-(

    My solution has been to go back thru all my scorecards and move mis-hits and scramble shots to a "don't count this shot" club and then delete the club. Going forward, for those types of shots, I simply hit "return" (re: go back) button when the watch asks for which club was used that way that shot won't have a club associated with it and therefore taint the club statistics. In all honesty I was planning on buying the CT-10's but won't bother getting them if the software isn't improved (which I'm ok with if it's never).  

  • I just submitted a feature request for similar functionality! This would make the watch and platform much more useful...unless you never hit any bad shots!

    Here is what I requested:


  • I totally agree with you. There are apps (Golfshot) for iOS and iWatch that automatically remove miss hits from club averages. I don’t see why Garmin can’t do this. As a work around I created additional clubs for: duffs, rescue shots, etc. Not my preferred solution but it works. Even if they can’t automatically remove it give us a prompt to indicate if the shot was a miss hit which would remove it from the average for that club.