Can't enter more than 2 puts. I know I shouldn't take more than 2 but sometime we do!
Is the 2 put limit normal on the S60?
Can't enter more than 2 puts. I know I shouldn't take more than 2 but sometime we do!
Is the 2 put limit normal on the S60?
What is your setting? HCP or Strokeplay?
If HCP maybe the max. playing HCP hits are reached ...
Good thought. I was using HCP. Next time I'll try Stroke Play.
The number of putts is only restricted by your shot total. If you take 3 shots to get to the green and your score is 6 then you can enter 3 Putts
Please excuse my ignorance, does this mean it is just recording the total number of shots and the number of puts option is confirming the total?
If you play Stableford it does not make sense to fill in more hits than you can get points.
Due to this restriction I play only strokeplay, I know the max. number of shots and that is enough. If I play no-qualifying then it is for me good to know and see all shots and I do not have to change the setting every time ...
I understand and that makes sense.