CT10's not being detected by S60

Used the CT10's for several rounds. I had set auto-detection up previously and worked as advertised. The last two rounds, the S60 kept asking me what club was used as if the CT10's were not seen or detected. Looking into the S60 config it sees the sensors as paired and auto-detection is enabled. 

Top Replies

  • I am sorry your CT10 sensors are not reporting properly to your Approach S60.

    Please check your Approach CT10 sensor battery levels with the instructions towards the bottom of this battery replacement…

All Replies

  • I am sorry your CT10 sensors are not reporting properly to your Approach S60.

    Please check your Approach CT10 sensor battery levels with the instructions towards the bottom of this battery replacement Support Center article - Replacing the Battery on a Garmin Approach CT10.

    If your batteries are not the issue, please remove your CT10 sensors from your Approach S60 and pair them again.

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your response. The sensors are brand new. Less than 25 rounds on them. I did the remove/repair process the first time this happened and probably there is a flaw in the software. An end-user should not have to remove/repair these sensors at this rate. Recently upgraded S60 to latest beta software and magically the sensors are now reappearing. 

  • SOLVED!!!!!!!
    The same thing happened to me and this is how I solved it
    1) Open de CT10 by removing the black cap
    2) Remove the battery and test it if you have a voltage meter
    3) with the point of a blade knife very carefully bend inwards a little bit the copper contacts on the side and upwards the plated contact in the middle
    4) put back the battery (or a new one if depleted) with the + polarity up
    5) reassemble the cap and try it

    In my case the two non working CT10 came back to life. To me, it is a design flaw wich makes a faulty contact between the battery and the device

    Edited September 13, 2023: 

    Please note that Garmin does not recommend making physical changes to the hardware the Approach CT-10 sensors, and the steps above are not an official troubleshoot method to resolve concerns with sensors connecting on your watch. There is not a design flaw with the CT-10 sensors requiring users to make any physical changes to the hardware, and the design does not inherently have any issues causing battery contact connection concerns. 

    Following the steps above may result in damaging your sensors, will void any warranty coverage, and following is at your own risk. 

    The best option if you have concerns with your CT-10 sensors connecting, is to contact Garmin Support to discuss the concern so an expert can diagnose the cause of the issue, and an appropriate solution going forward.