Touchscreen problems

I’ve been having a weird time with my approach s60 ever since I got one for Christmas. It’ll work occasionally and then other times the touch screen simply won’t let me navigate the device as if the touch screen does not work. I’ll test it out before going to the golf course and then once I get there, the touch screen remains dark when I try to touch it and the only way to navigate is through the side buttons which can only take me so far since this is supposed to be a touch screen device and the features require the touch of my finger. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this problem and if so, was there a fix? I’m going to the course tomorrow and would love to finally use my Christmas present. Anything helps! Thanks!

  • I am sorry your touchscreen is not being responsive. Please ensure you are fully up to date for both courses and software using Garmin Express on your computer. Other than ensuring your software is updated, if the issue continues, restore your watch. See the instructions half-way down this article - Restoring Defaults. If still poorly responsive, please reach out to Garmin Outdoor Golf Product Support and we will gladly assist you further.

  • I have experienced this some 5-10 times since I bought the watch a few years back. In my case I cannot scroll the standard menu to e.g. set an alarm. The screen looks alright but does not respond. All of those times I have forced shut down of watch and then restart. Every time this has worked and the screen became responsive again. I have no idea what is triggering this behaviour. I have not found a pattern. My closest "clue" is that this often happens when I have had a lot of notifcations coming from my smartphone to my watch. My non confirmed guess is that it its a memory allocation / overwrite / overrun issue.