Manual shot recognition request

I'd like to renew the (very old) request to support the manual shot recognition, because I'm afraid the former requests were kicked into the long grass.

In my view the S60 does not deserve the designation „Golf Watch“, because the major requirements which qualifies a „Golf Watch“ are still not working.
The major requirement are
1.) show distances
    - to green, hazards … (this works fine)
    - from the last shot (this works only, if the shot was recognized)
2.) count shots (does not work. Right now I have to count by myself and enter the result)

In my opinion it shouldn't be to hard to implement a solution, because the main functionality is already there.
In the case autoshot recognizes a shot, the „club selection menu“ will be displayed and the used club can be entered.
In the case autoshot does not recognize a shot (which unfortunately happens very often), there must be a chance to enter this „club selection menu“ manually and so record the club and current position.

It's just a very small piece of software, which could make the majority of frustrated S60 users happy.

To make it rather perfect, GARMIN could add two „special clubs“ to the „club selection menu“.
First the „special club“ „Cancel Shot“ to delete an erroneously recognized shot (e.g. practice shot).
Second the „special club“ which could be named „flag“, „pin“ or „finish hole“ to signalize and recognize that the current position is the flag position and this hole is finished.
After that the recognized shots should be displayed (not the par shots like now) and Select + or - to set the score.
This will result in a complete scoring and displaying of shot in the golf app.

Please GARMIN, add the manual shot recognizion.

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