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Dummies guide to using Approach S60 watch and CT10 sensors

Former Member
Former Member

Forgive me if this is posted elsewhere, but I have not managed to trace anything related to this.

I have 5 sensors fitted to my PW, 3 x Vokey Wedges and my putter.

I have paired each sensor to my Approach S60 watch. Today I have gone out to play a round of golf using the watch and sensors.

I have started the round and proceeded to manually manage my shots using drivers, woods, irons by playing the shot then tapping the club on screen of watch when prompted after the shot is played. However when I have got near the green and pulled out either my wedge (or putter when on the green), nothing shows on the watch. Am I to believe that something comes up automatically on the watch as soon as you remove the relevant club from the bag?

Unfortunately I ended up finishing the round after 5 holes due to the weather so I discarded the scorecard without checking to see if it had recorded the wedge/putter strokes, but I presume as nothing had showed on the watch it hadn't?

Any advice on settings or things I need to do, haven't done would be appreciated. I have even tried youtube to see if there are any posts of anyone actually using these during a round but I can't find any.

  • Former Member

    Your CT-10 sensors will automatically track every stroke, including locations, distances, and whether you were using your wedges or putter. The information recorded will be seen on your scorecard when you review it in the Golf APP or Garmin Connect online. You have done everything needed correctly when you attached them and paired them with your Approach S60.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago
    However when I have got near the green and pulled out either my wedge (or putter when on the green), nothing shows on the watch. Am I to believe that something comes up automatically on the watch as soon as you remove the relevant club from the bag?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Former Member

    As per usual, the original question has been unanswered.

    Please can you tell me 'should something show on the screen automatically when you remove the relevant club from the bag?

  • I've got the S60 and three CT10 sensors. On my Sand Wedge, Lob Wedge and 4 Hybrid.

    A few seconds after I pull out one of the three clubs the display on the watch changes and shows the club and (i guess) and average and max distance of that club. This information stays on the screen for 4 or 5 seconds and switches then back to the normal information.

    Some weeks ago I changed the sensor from one club to another and after doing that, my clubs/sensors weren't detected anymore when pulling it out of the back. I fix that by removing all CT10 sensors and re-pairing them again afterwards.

  • Yes but only momentarily. make sure you have paired each club with your watch before your round (one time activity). You need to go to "Gear" section in Garmin web application and add the clubs you want tracking (all my clubs are in here). Then make sure you sync your watch to make the clubs available for pairing.

    Next go to settings in your watch and pair the sensors.

    There really need to be a dummies guide written for the S60 and its interaction with Apps (Garmin golf) and Garmin web application. I believe that once working its great but the instructions are poor, most of my progress with it was made through trial and error (and this forum!)

  • Yes, the S60 will display the club when pulled out of your bag. Sometimes it's slow to display (5-10 seconds) so wait for your watch to show or vibrate that the club registered before you play your shot. If it takes a bit longer I foung that replacing the club back in your bag, grab another club that registers then put that back in the bag then take out your preferred club and it should then register. This happens to me occasionally and this is how I get round it.

    Sometimes the GPS drops out due to adverse weather conditions which can result in your watch and CT10's missing some shots. Not a regualr thing but happens on odd occasions.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Andy

    Thanks for all the replies (not garmin, obviously). I haven't had chance to use them properly yet due to the adverse weather, but I have paired them and activated 'connection alert' in the sensors settings on my watch, I did briefly use them  for about 4 holes when attempting to get a round in a couple of weeks ago, but when I pulled the clubs out nothing registered on the watch. I just activated the 'connection alert' so I presume this had something to do with it.

    Thanks again for the replies and yes, I agree with you Gregoclinton, the instructions are very vague, I suppose that's what forums are for!