feedback for improvement?

I'm using the S60 watch for a while. Very satisfied by it.

There are 2 points I'll be glad to see improved:
- I do not understand why the watch is requesting from which tee mark I'll start, even if I have enabled the scoring with the stroke play method. Is that possible to remove this request?
- The autodistance feature is very nice, but overlapped by the scoring when I'm entering on a green. Is there anyway to ask for the score only when leaving the green?

Thank's for your consideration.


  • Request for tee mark is there to be able to calculate the stableford points and the nett score, as these are related to your exact handicap, gender, tee used and the course and slope rating. So please keep this.

  • Thanks ABA_DXB for your reply, and I agree with you to keep this request for tee mark, when stableford method is used.

    But when the strokeplay method is enable, what the benefit of this request?

    I would like to suggest to make this request conditional with the scoring method: the tee mark is requested only for stableford scoring method.

    Or there is an another usage I'm still ignoring.