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Approach S60 Swing Temp Help

I need help understanding the swing tempo numbers. I know outside the app the preferred swing tempo is 3:1. I think I read that in the Approach S60 the correct tempo should display 3.0. What I can't figure out is what a swing tempo of 2.4 or 3.4 indicate. is 3.4 fast or slow? How about 2.4?
  • The swing tempo app helps you perform a more consistent swing. The device measures and displays your backswing time and downswing time. The device also displays your swing tempo. Swing tempo is the backswing time divided by the downswing time, expressed in a ratio. A 3 to 1 ratio, or 3.0, is the ideal swing tempo based on studies of professional golfers.

    So if a person swings with a faster tempo, the number will be lower. So, 2.4 essentially means your swing is faster than someone that has a 3.4.
  • The swing tempo app helps you perform a more consistent swing. The device measures and displays your backswing time and downswing time. The device also displays your swing tempo. Swing tempo is the backswing time divided by the downswing time, expressed in a ratio. A 3 to 1 ratio, or 3.0, is the ideal swing tempo based on studies of professional golfers.

    So if a person swings with a faster tempo, the number will be lower. So, 2.4 essentially means your swing is faster than someone that has a 3.4.

    I do understand the swing tempo 3 to 1 numbers. Thank you for answering my question. I guess if I used the swing tempo analyzer it would have made more sense. I was only going by the swing tempo displayed after taking a shot while playing a round. That does not show me the backswing time and downswing time. Most of the time it shows 3.1 or 3.0. I did have a 2.8 once and I could not figure out if my backswing or downswing were too fast.