Canceling a shot

Does anyone know if there is a way of canceling a shot straight after that was auto picked up by S60 inaccurately?

I have C10 on all of my clubs that I like a lot but from time to time when I move about with few clubs in my hand my watch picks up my move as a golf swing and starts tracking it. I know perfectly well that this is bad call by my watch but I have no way of correcting it there and then, and only after the game is finished I start the golf up and delete the wrongly picked shots by my watch.

  • The watch does not count shots (score on each hole). No, you can not cancel a shot. There's no Mulligan button :D
    After the round has been saved and synced to the Garmin App, you can edit each hole - adding and deleting shots.
  • With the CT10's on every club, I believe it does try to accurately count shots, even most putts. But it can make mistakes as you noted. At the end of the hole you can bring up the score card and fix the score for that hole. But I don't believe there is anyway to tell it to remove a "detected" swing until after the game. So you can fix the score but not the individual swings.
  • as long as you dont select what club it is, you can take your next shot and then once you select the club it will lock it in. i think it uses the gps distances of the 2 shots to determine if it logs it or not. so that way if you are far from the original mistake shot then it will detect 2 shots. but if you're within 10 years it just picks up the next shot that you select the club.
  •  if you delete the shot after the round (in the app or on Garmin connect) it will not affect your scorecard. I hate this issue

  • Would love an update where you can cancel your shots. For instance, just happend yesterday, i played a hole, shot a amazing drive, but could not find my ball. So i dropped a ball, and hit it. After walking 30 meters further i suddendly see my ball. But the new meter had started and now it seemed my ball was only shot 30 meters.. of course you can cancel that afterwards, but still.. ;-) Would be handy in some situations!