How to swipe the screen and correcting club selection

Question1. Does anyone have advice on the proper technique to swipe the screen. I'm having difficulty choosing the club used for a shot. When I try to swipe the screen to move through the club choices I usually select the wrong club. Is there a specific location on the screen I should use for the swipe action?

Question 2. Can I fix an incorrect club selection? I can't find a way to fix the club if I've chosen the wrong one.
  • id probably just recommend trying to swipe up or down from the very top or bottom of the watch. ive had a couple of mis-selections also. usually its because i am trying to tap on the club that is on the lowest part of the of the screen and it only is showing partially. it's 50/50 when i make these selections. but more my fault than anything else.

    you cant modify club selection from the watch but you can do it on garmin connect website or from the garmin golf IOS app after your round has synced.
  • Following up on my own original post. I solved my screen swipe issue (question 1 above). You need to press hard on the screen in order to swipe. A hard press will not be detected as a select-action. So, press firmly and move your finger up or down and it works. I just played a round of golf and had no issues swiping to make club choices.

    I thought that pressing too hard was causing my problems with swiping, so I was trying to touch the screen very lightly as I swiped the screen. These light touches made things worse, because a light touch is sure to be interpreted as a select-action (or "tap").

    Just fyi, I called tech support and they were pretty helpful. They recommended updating all the software for Garmin Express and the watch, which I did. Apparently I wasn't following the correct procedure to disconnect the watch from by PC, so it wasn't actually preforming watch firmware updates. They didn't pick up on the hard/soft press issue; I figured that out myself.