No graphical hit recordings available today ...

very frustrating ... scorecard correct transmitted to GCM and GC, but no graphical hits ...
On Thursday it was all ok ... same location, same holes ...
  • Hi boutdislfe,
    today in the morning 3 timesI played our 6-holes short track. After the first round I checked GC on my iPhone and it shows after sync only the red GPS route. Whe I was hoe I connected the S60 to my laptop and made a sync with GC ("You have items to install"). Only the last round was synced with only the scorecard ...
    This evening I played our 9-holes, after saving and sync with GCM, only the red GPS route was visible. At home after sync with my laptop ("You have items to install") the scorecard and the recorded holes are visible in Garmin-Golf app.

    All the times garmin and Arccos where active parallel. Also in the time some days before, when it works correct (sync via GCM shoed scorecard + rec. holes) Arccos was active parallel. So that can not be the reason ...

    i still think it has something to do with conflicting gps data being sent to another app. i would also make sure you are not running any other golf apps that track location. you need to go into the iphone setting for each app and just turn off location. it may not be arccos, it could be some other app like GolfNow or some other golf app that has location features enabled.

    im also not sure what you mean by "red GPS route".

    also have you tried just using the Garmin Connect mobile app instead of the PC sync to your laptop?

    i would suggest uninstalling the arccos app just to avoid that being the issue and trying a round with just the s60. you can always just reinstall it and log back in and your data will still be there.

    by the way, technically speaking, the only way to see the course with shot tracking is in Garmin Golf and not Garmin Connect from the iphone.

  • Hi,
    both apps (Arccos and GCM) where working parallel fine for several weeks. Only since some days I got the problems with sync S60 and GCM.
    No other GPS using app is running on my iPhone in the background.
    With red GPS route I mean the GPS tracking of the Golf course. In the time, when it was working correct, I saw after sync with GCM the read colored Golf activity with the GPS route and the green colored Golf activity showing the shots with the Golf app behind.

    If I sync after finishing a round with GCM only the red colored Golf activity (with distance, time and calories) is visible. Only after using GC on my laptop also the green colored Golf activity (with shots, holes and type) becomes visible.