Approch 60: AutoShot Distance measurement - how does it work?


Just received the Approach 60 a few days ago and played my first round. A few distance readings of shots to the green were weird, though. I now read that the watch does not register chips/ putts. Basically that would not be an issue for me.

But: how does it determine where my shot to the green landed, when I it cannot register the put/ chip? It seems to me, that quite a lot of my shots were I had chipped on the green, the distance reading came from somewhere later on the green. So the distance of my 5 iron was showing actually the distance of 5 iron + chip + put. And that of course is way off.

Am I missing something here? Do I have to manually tell the watch where the approach shot ended?

Regards, René
  • Update after my second round: the distance measurement of shots really does not work reliably and I would still ike to know how it is supposed to work. I hit a 6 iron onto the green and the watch showed 157m while I was still walking to my ball. Maybe 40m before I reached it, the watch showed me the "final" distance.

    The information gathered on the club distance really is useless, maybe with the exemption of the driver as that usually is the only club where you will always hit another full shot afterwards.

    The visualization of the shots in the Garmin Golf app is a gimmick, too. Would be really cool to be able to track my iron shots that way, but if I can never be certain where the watch assumed my iron shots ended, that really is pointless.

    Suggestion: enable the user to manually determine in what location the ball stopped at. I can see the actual distance played on the course when I arrive at the ball. It is just a matter of being able to "save" that point with a button.