Is there any harm in doing a factory reset on the R50?

I'm having trouble getting the correct distances, or what I believe should be the correct distances. My club head speeds seem consistent, but ball speeds are not. Every now and then I catch one flush, and they seem to be close to what I expect. Just hard to believe I would be short by 20 to 30 yards most of the time. I'm never that far off when playing a regular round out on the course. Would a factory reset do any harm or void any warranties?

  • 36 views and not one person answered him?

    No issues doing a factory reset.. i've done it about 3 times to mine as i am experiencing very similar problems to you.

    Club speed seems good.. But..  ball speed/smash factor seem low which in turn seems to bring the carry distance down.

    Only way i can get my carry distance in line is to set the elevation to 8000 feet above sea level

  • A factory reset is not recommended unless advised from Garmin in-relation to specific steps that are being advised to perform. 

    Troubleshooting on your own, performing a factory reset is never recommended. 

    If you are concerned with a specific metric, you should contact Garmin Support to speak with a Golf Specialist to further determine what else could be causing a concern

    There are many specific factors to consider with the full metrics showing recorded from each shot, along with other considerations when determining why a specific metric recorded as it did from the shot. 

  • The question was posted while I was out, and please note a response will vary depending on the nature of the post, as not all posts will receive a response directly from Garmin. As administrator for the Golf Forums, I will get to posts as I am back in-office as necessary. 

    To second my first response to the creator of this post, a factory reset should not be performed as a troubleshooting step for any concerns unless recommended directly from a Golf expert working for Garmin in-relation to advising steps for something specific. 

  • Thanks, I jacked it up to 10000, seems to be fairly close now. I think I had a bit of indoor swing syndrome also. I'm making better contact and follow through now that I'm sure I won't destroy anything. lol

  • Thanks, I think I just had a bit of indoor swing syndrome. Adjusting the elevation helped also. I didn't do the reset.