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Lefty and Righty hole play home tee hero

Will there be an update for lefty and righty play in home tee hero for the R50 ? For instance one player can play the hole in its entirety and then the next player plays the hole .

  • Was just searching for this feature.  I agree. I would love if HTH gets this addition.  Especially since it's kind of annoying to move back and forth for lefties and righties.

  • Users expressing interest in the feature will be added to the experience ticket current in-review for those wanting options to make switching between left and right handed golfers easier during virtual rounds. 

    If any announcements become available regarding this features, user accounts added to the ticket will be notified, and I will update the main thread for this request here in forums. 

    Locking thread as duplicate. Users can post on the main thread for this discussion on forums post: Left right toggle issue to keep the conversation in one place.