Is distance issue still not fixed?

Just got my R50, I am a 5hcp and play a lot of golf.  My numbers are 10-30 yards too short with the unit compared to real life (pw going 115 when easily 135-145 on course, solid drives going 250 vs 275-290).  Has garmin still not come up with an answer or solution to this?  I have gone through all the tips etc so Garmin Mod please do not post the typical check list.  If this is not resolved, will need to return the unit. 

  • I just got a brand new unit and updated to 3.7. 

    Real average 7 iron distances from my S70 watch: 157 yards

    R50 average distance: 134 yards

  • Is the 134 average indoor range or HTH courses?

    134 on the range is completely flat whereas the outdoor courses have elevation changes.

    It’s also hard to compare indoor swing to outdoor swing. To get my numbers close I have to be really warmed up and feeling good when hitting indoors. It’s rare for me to hit my driver the same as outdoor. Wedges are much closer and more of what I work on the most.

  • 134 is outdoor range, with yard markers on the range so I can see the ball carying around the 150 yard marker, consistent with my distance data from the S70.

  • Better get in touch with Garmin support. I would have someone video this and send it to them. I would be really upset if my 7 iron was carrying 150 or so and the R50 was showing 134 on a flat range with no wind.

  • On my EPIX watch, it shows the final result after rollout.  There's no way it can show carry distance accurately since it's measuring where you hit the ball from and where the ball ends up via GPS.  Depending on club, conditions (slope, condition of course, etc), landing angle that could be a very large differential.    Is it possible that you are looking at carry distance on the R50 and comparing that to your real world total distance and/or the R50 is giving a very low total distance result due to low roll out calculations?

  • Reports from users stating they feel the Approach R50 is not working as designed when providing distance metrics are being reviewed for those that contact Garmin Support to discuss detailed specifics with you to further assess the concern. More information statements regarding your handicap, and the distance you are certain you achieve every shot with a specific club is not sufficient in assessing whether the R50 is not working properly. 

    Note: Garmin has not identified a design fault in the Approach R50 that would r result in the Approach R50 providing users distances incorrectly...nor has a fix been identified as needed in relation to distance metrics provided by the Approach R50.

    Other 3rd party simulators similar to the Approach R50 using photo capture also outline info stating that there are differences as to where your ball would have actually landed on a course with the rest of the ball flight and environmental factors leading the ball to end up where it actually landed vs simulating the rest of the ball flight, after capturing club and ball information at the beginning of the shot where photo capture units actually have camera on club and ball. 

    Other users on this thread have outlined some points in terms of hitting indoor vs it is relevant to consider indoor swing syndrome taking shots in a confined environment vs outdoors in an open environment, be sure to not only carry distance but also view total distance, and consider variables on an outdoor range like the grass where the flags are located not being the same quality as a green or fairway, as the rougher grass will also affect where the ball may have landed not allowing a realistic reference of how much roll the shot would have incurred on a green or fairway. 

  • Like I have said many times. I have yet to see video of anyone hitting 15 carry yards short. My unit is not displaying this HUGE discrepancy.

    If I take the R50 back out to the range with friends and see a 7 iron landing 15 yds short then I’m going to have a very embarrassing moment!.

    Then I will do a video myself!!

    My gut feeling is indoor swing syndrome for a lot of people.

  • This is pretty much exactly my experience of the unit and i started a thread on it not reporting smash factor correctly.. was just wondering if this is the same for you?

  • Sts golf on YouTube, I made a video, Anytime in hitting a wedge over 9k spin , carry Numbers are 10-12 yards shorts vs trackman 4 (same ball speed, VLA, back spin) 

    seems like the algorithme in the garmin range does not use the backspin The same way trackman/foresight/awesome golf does 

  • I couldn’t find that video. 10-12 yards short with a wedge is out of control.