When making a practice round the vide feedback should give me the video of the shot i just made, and this happens 9 out of 10 times when i use the unit..
But some of the times when using the unit it start to show me the shot 1-2 shot before.
last time it happened i made a video to show how it looked, where i was hitting first shot with a fairway wood, and the video feedback was me hitting a 7 iron, then i switch to a 7 iron, and it show the video of me hitting the fairway wood.
it looks like sometime the video feedback gets misaligned with the current shot i hit, and no matter how many shots i hit after that it will not align again, it will always be one shot misalignment between the video and the shot i just hit.
And at one point it was 2 shot off.
did any one else experience this, and is there anything i can do to try to fix it firmware update, etc ?