Clubhead speed without ball

Is this feature still being considered as an update to the R10. I see it has been requested by users for along time. It is sad that I now am looking at a stand-alone product that only does this when I have spent so much on a device that should easily provide this feature.

  • The device is providing this feature.

    Actually, the R10 unit is transmitting club head speed after every swing, regardless of You hitting a ball or not.

    The Garmin Golf app however is not displaying it. So this is a feature that Garmin has chosen not to use, most likely due to inaccuracy.

    In order to see this You can use mholow R10 to GSPro connector.

    You don't need GSPro to use this, as the connector will show data received from R10 in a separate window.

    I have not really tested out the accuracy as the values I get are lower than the ones I get when actually hitting a ball, but I see the same on my PRGR, so probably quite good.

    It cost nothing to try, You will need a windows pc with bluetooth to install the connector and connect to the R10 unit.