I don't think this is a Garmin R10 issue, i think it's a GSPro issue but i don't know where else to post a bug report.
First my setup, I am using GSPro with a Garmin R10 and I'm using the connector software to connect both together.
When practicing on the GSPro range i always thought that the distances did not match my real life (not even close), but with what i found, they might be closer than what i think. I think GSPro has a visual bug. On my system anyway it appears that the carry distance, both game and raw are displaying shorter than what is actually happening in the game. I am including a screenshot of an 8 iron shot i took on the range.
I took a single frame from the video of the ball when it makes contact with the ground and you can see that it shows that my ball travelled 103.6 yards in the air. The first screenshot was the moment it made contact with the ground the second screenshot shows the total distance. In the stats tiles on the right hand side you can see both the Carry (raw) and Carry (game) do not match that number. In fact they are quite a bit short showing a carry distance of about 93 yards. This is true for every club and every shot, even short chips and shots that don't roll much.
Has anyone else seen this behaviour in GSPro with the Garmin ?
Also does anyone know where i can submit a bug report for GSPro ?