Distances and swing speed way off - tried a lot, need help if anyone has feedback.

I just setup my simulator in my garage, it's about 10x11x10 with a 10 ft. screen. 

About myself for swing speed, size, and such. 6ft. 180lb athletic, 32 yrs old. I can swing my driver up to 123 if I really want to but sit around the 110-115 mark casually. 

I have a long throw projector mounted about 9 ft. above the launch monitor (tried with it on and off) Monitor I've tried 6, 7, and 8ft behind my ball. 

I have tape lines on the floor to align the monitor straight. I have a level for the monitor for front-back and left-right leveling. My launch monitor i've tried level with the mat, below the mat, above the mat, back tilted forward, no luck. 

My 9 iron I typically see a 140 carry, I swing out of my shoes and it goes 133. Normal swing gets me about 110 (swing speed says about 82 mph). 

4 iron I normally carry around 200, I can't get it past 130 carry swinging as hard as possible. 

I normally carry my driver 250-256 with a 112-115 swing speed (stealth 2), I am barely cracking 210 swinging out of my shoes and swing speed says maybe 110 (should be at least 118-120 with how hard I'm swinging). 

There is an outlet and a CAT6 ethernet plug behind the impact screen but nothing else, A/C unit on the outside of the house behind the wall through the screen, drywall, frame, siding, etc. 

I have re-calibrated the monitor depending on if I changed my setup, height, level, etc. I've adjusted the elevation, weather, etc. and it ends up making my driver go way long but 4 iron won't move distance at all. 

  • Hey, If you covered the concrete floors between Launch  monitor and Screen with cardboard or some cheap carpet I think it should help alot.

  • Hey, If you covered the concrete floors between Launch  monitor and Screen with cardboard or some cheap carpet I think it should help alot.

  • you probably don't want to hear it but i doubt there is anything you can do, the garmin just won't give you good readings.   there are all these other people that say oh it's the alignment, or interference, nope, it's the garmin, something with the algorithm is wrong and until garmin fixes it you will not get accurate numbers.

    I've tried all the things you tried, but i took the garmin out to a real life course and found it way off on pretty well all the clubs.  The difference for me is about 1 or 1-1/2 clubs so if i have to carry 130 yards in real life I use a solid 9 iron (133 carry) , on garmin i have to swing out of my shoes with a 7 iron (134 carry).   IRL my 6 iron is a 168 yard carry, on garmin my 3 hybrid carries 170 yards, a perfect 6 iron on garmin is a 148 carry.  I live in the west so my elevation is 3500ft, and in the garmin to get the distances i mentioned above i have to set the elevation on the garmin to 6000ft

  • Exact same issue here...it's a garmin thing.  I've been at it 2 weeks trying to dial this thing in. My setup, indoor,12 feet between ball and screen, 7 feet between ball and r10. All concrete covered , forced air furnace off, different height trials with garmin,projector off, anything shiny and or metal out of it's range of view, pc covered as well and had to increase altitude to 10000 feet for my real life distances but swing speed on driver is way off. Lot's of room to swing so it's not indoor swing syndrome lol. No fans running no radar interference at all. Ima take it for what it is on a budget sim 

  • Have you tried setting your units of measure to statute in the app settings?