Can you putt in E6 with Garmin R10?

Hey Guys, 

 I have had the R10 for about a year using it with IOS and the Garmin Golf App and works fine , enjoy it very much.  I do have a E6 license on my laptop and want to make use of the much better graphics on my gaming laptop. I got E6 and the R10 working together which is great, just got to get it working in my golf area(shed) that has no internet but that is another topic. 

  My question is : I would like to be able to putt in E6 with the R10 and was wanting to know what options I have.  Does the putting solution that works for GSPro work with E6? Has anyone got that working? I would think ExPutt would work but that is a very expensive solution. 

Any tips or ideas on this would be much appreciated.


  • Should have said I got the R10 and E6 laptop version working together.

  • The github putting version for R10 / GSPro I believe actually use the E6 connection port to the computer.

    So in theory it should be possible to do this also on E6.

    However, the GSPro is integrated as GSPro is starting the putting program when Putter is selected as a club.

    So I believe there is something "missing" for the E6, and You're depending on someone with programming skills taking interest in this.

    Isn't there a yearly subscription fee for E6? I would consider a change to GSPro. The graphics in GSPro is not worse than E6, and putting makes a round a lot more fun.

  • Okay thanks, I sort of thought it was the way you describe. So nobody has done the programing to make it work then? 

     Yes, there is a yearly subscription to E6 just like GSPro but you get the 5 free courses in E6 with Garmin purchase. Also in the future it appears the graphics in E6 are going to be improved a great deal and will be better IMHO.  When this will happen I don't know but I will have the 5 free courses in the meantime.  

     Thanks for your info on this you are always a help.

  • If it actually works already with E6 I don't know. GSPro only opens the program when needed, but maybe it is possible to just keep the putting program running, and receive data when putting?

    I have not used E6 after subscribing to GSPro, and I also use the direct connection from R10 to computer, so not tried this at all.

    But You can try it out of course.

    Since the original R10 to GSPro connector needed the Garmin Golf app as a mediation device, I assume this would not work as the E6 connection is incorporated in Garmin Golf app. So that connection is already occupied by Garmin Golf when connecting to E6.

    But maybe the direct connection also will work with E6, and then also putting?

    It could be only a simple port change in E6 setting it up to listen at the same port GSPro use. Unfortunately I don't know what port GSPro use, but that should be a fairly easy task to find out.

    I will have some time during Xmas, so I will probably be able to help out when weekend comes.

    Discord has a group for GSPro users, and the guy developing the putting interface is a member there.

    Edit: GSPro uses port 0921, so if You change Your port in E6 to this it may receive shot data from the R10 connector.

    Note: Don't use Garmin Golf app at all, and install the R10 direct connector to PC as described in numerous YouTube videos.

  • Putting features offered on the compatible 3rd party platforms when using the Approach R10 are not compatible.