No New Features or Improvements

I am official stopping my subscription due to Garmins lack of care for this program.

Good by HTH

  • We are sorry to see that you have made this decision with your subscription. 

    Since the release of the Approach R10, there have been numerous updates to features, and support on continuous improvement...and updates for improvements are still being supported for this product on an ongoing basis. 

    We have not directly released a firmware update for the Approach R10 recently, as updates to the features...along with improvements have been released through updates to the Garmin Golf app specifically. 

    There are still some features users have requested that are still in the process of being considered for possible future enhancements, as they have not been confirmed as features that will be offered yet at this time. 

    If there's anything I can help with please reach out to let me know. 

  • Hi Cody,

    If Garmin wants to be a big player with home golf sim software, they will need to up there game, as smaller private companies with a few employees are winning the race. Garmin has a huge advantage and opportunity to be the leader and it seems they do not see it or care to put in the investment. There are so many simple improvements that have been suggested by your users and only a few have been promoted in 2 years. I really hope there are some big things being worked on and that is the reason for very little work being promoted. Only time will tell. 

    Thank you for your responses. 

  • Hi.  I just bought the R10 and have posted about the inability to simply move from one shot to the next when viewing session data.  I have to click the individual shot, change mode, then go back to the list, then click the new shot, then change mode etc.  vs swiping to the next shot on the same screen.  This was all said by many users over a year ago so could you please explain where is sits in the picture of work as described for it will happen or it won’t happen.  Thanks 

  • We do not have any announcements as to whether the option to swipe from one shot to the next we be offered within the Garmin Golf app. 

    If any announcements regarding that option becomes available, we will update users at that time. We have not announced any determination as to whether that option will, or will not become available.

    Garmin is always working on improving our products and user experience, so it is possible that at some point we may incorporate changes/improvements to the layout for accessing shot information, beyond the option currently available at some point in the future. 

  • Thanks for the reply but really that just sounds like a load of corporate speak.  Lots of people made this suggestion more than a year ago,  is it being worked on and you are just being slow, or it’s a particularly difficult thing to do.  Or you don’t think it’s a good idea for some reason?  Why does it take more than a year to even make a determination on if it’s something you will or will not work on?  Thanks  

  • What improvements & added features have been made this year ? Can you provide a list?  The only one that I can think of is the data export option. I just can't understand why no improvements have been made to make the app easier to use.

  • Besides the many improvements and bug fixes introduced throughout the year through app updates...the latest major change specifically to the Approach R10 made this year was the addition of another simulation platform, "Creative Golf 3D" made compatible for the Approach R10. 

    Changes and improvements for the Approach R10 have been released through software updates to the Garmin Golf app vs firmware updates for the Approach R10. 

    You can check the version history section on the download page in the store where the Garmin Golf app is installed, you can view the version history showing a timeline of changes to the Garmin Golf app as well if needed. 

  • The app revision descriptions do not provide detail information on what changed - just a boiler plate description.  "we routinely release updates ..... etc.. etc...". I can't see what has been added or corrected when a new release is available.

    The app is just not user friendly when using the R10 & basic player options using HTH are not available. I've sent in a number of requests on this message board &

    on the Garmin Idea page this year & can say none have been added nor have I been provided with any feedback.

  • Hi Cody, was there any communications about creative golf App? I must have missed them. Is there any plans to improve HTH, or should we consider this software not a priority to Garmin and look to purchase 3rd party software?

  • It is possible, that at some point in the future an update with improvements to Home Tee Hero will become available. Currently there are not any announcements regarding an update at this time. 

    Updates and improvements are typically not publicly announced until they become available, as updates and changes become released quicker/longer than expected. 

    We appreciate everyone's patience in the meantime while the fine tuning of our products is in process.