iPhone not receiving Approach R10 data

I recognize that this is a problem for many. I have read through many comments with suggested fixes. No luck. I just purchased the R10 this week (July 2023).
I use an iPhone 14Pro iOS 16.5.1

Garmin Golf App version

Approach R10 s/n 6PN03xxxx

I have uninstalled and re-installed Golf app and R10.

The R10 will calibrate successfully.

Like many others, when using the R10 the light flashes green, turns solid red during backswing through full swing. No data sent to the Garmin Golf App on my iPhone during the Golf Sim Training session. The phone Bluetooth settings show that the R10 is connected. 

Any help would be appreciated. 

  • I have the same problem and would love to see a good answer.

    I bought my R10 about a year ago to use in my backyard.  It only picks up about 1 in every 10 or 15 shots, which is very frustrating.  I've cycled through all the troubleshooting as you described, and even called the help desk, but still with no luck.

    I have tried different areas of the backyard and facing different directions, but it is just as you described - connected to my phone with green flashing, then red light when I start my swing, but it just doesn't send the data.

    Most frustrating thing is that it works perfectly at the driving range.  I just had it there this morning, and no issues at all - it picked up every shot accurately.  So I know the unit isn't broken, and I'm using it correctly.

    Hopefully someone can figure this out.

  • If you are using the R10 at home or in an indoor setup, the concern you mentioned is typically caused by environmental factors interfering with the radar providing the shot data. 

    Make sure the spacing between the R10 to hitting location is 6-7ft > Hitting location to the Net is 6ft or longer. The signal from the R10 to the location the ball is being hit into extends more and more from the face of the R10 to that location...so about 6ft wide of space for the signal limiting any reflective surfaces, heat sources, fans, projection light, etc...would need to not be present to avoid interference. 

    If you are still not sure, or have not identified any potential environmental factors that could be affecting the shot recording, you can test at an outdoor driving range as well to see if shots are being picked up there, but not at the indoor. 

    Troubleshooting steps referenceable in article of support page here: Troubleshooting Radar Features of the Approach R10

    Spacing recommendations available here for reference if needed: Tips for Indoor or Outdoor Approach R10 Placement

    If concern continues, you would need to contact Garmin Support for next steps to a resolution. 

  • I finally figured it out.  I bought some RCT balls, and it works like a charm now.  If you are having this same issue - try using RCT balls.