Side By Side With PRGR?

Has anyone tried to use the R10 along side the PRGR at the same time?  I'm interested in comparing the carry distance, club head and ball speeds between the 2 units.  They are both radar units. Will they interfere with each other?

  • I tried my Yupiteru with the Garmin. Seemed like the Garmin was unaffected, but the yupiteru was giving some weird numbers occasionally. Was able to use the ES14 with the Garmin though with reasonable results.

  • Not lately, but tried it some months ago without any issues.

  • Yes, I have. I normally run them together. The PRGR often reads a couple of miles an hour faster on swing speed and ball speed than the R10. And I sometimes get a swing speed from the R10 that makes no sense. It'll give me a ball speed that approximates the PRGR, but it will give me a swing speed that is 10 or 12 MPH slower than the PRGR (accompanied by a 1.5+ smash factor because of the swing speed misread). I know from experience and that ridiculous smash factor that the R10 swing speed numbers are not accurate when that happens.  Having said that, the R10 gives me club path, attack angle, launch angle and face to path and target info that is quite helpful, and that the PRGR doesn't provide.

    By the way, I don't pay much attention to the distance measurements from the PRGR. The PRGR doesn't take into account ball height or spin, while the R10 does. Since, in reality, ball height and spin affect distance substantially, I'm assuming the R10 distance numbers are more instructive.