I played last night online against a buddy using e6, and in middle of round suddenly my shots were all going very short. I was adjusting the device, trying it higher/lower.. wasn't helping. Earlier it seemed to be doing OK, I wasn't sure what the problem was.. so we just gave up.
Today I was trying again doing a practice, and I found what seems to be the issue.
If the device falls asleep, or my phone closes.. if I connect back again.. all the shots show -1000 top spin RPM, and 0 side RPM. Every shot..
I reset the r10, and close/reopen the phone app (e6 stays open) and when I reconnect, the spin numbers seem better again.
Has anyone seen this before? Definitely seems like a bug, and since I have to restart the garmin app and device, but not e6, I'm guessing this is not an e6 problem but a Garmin problem.
Here's a pic: https://imgur.com/a/SowkQBb