4.30 Chipping and RCT

Chipping up to 10-15 m is awful; the more so it seems with RCT balls. I am playing outside, no interference problems. Playing E6 has become impossible. Approximately half of the shorter chips are not registered or, even worse misread. I can see my chip traveling 6m and it reads 1,5 m. I contacted TG E6, whether it would be possible to ignore misread chips, such that your score (i.e. hcp) is not ruined by Garmins wacky technology; reply: No not possible; Garmins problem (of course you can take a mulligan but this stops your hcp registration).
I know this point has been raised before and I have tried all the recommendations; e.g. calibrating, ball more to the right, slower, faster swings, slower swings, further back, renewing BT connection, etc..). Non solves this problem consistently.

Please reply if you have this problem and let's hope Garmin finally picks it up and fixes it.