R10 not picking up driver and woods? This is why

I’ve been using the R10 for a while now and while iron shots are pretty good at getting picked up the driver and woods are very much on and off. I’m also using an s62 watch to measure swing tempo and I’ve noticed that when my backswing takes longer than 1.55 seconds or so there’s a very good chance that shot won’t get registered. It seems to me that Garmin wants golfers to take a quick backswing (according to Garmin the ideal backswing for a “slow” amateur is 1.20 seconds https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/GUID-7681996C-530F-4C69-80C4-3CD20D82746C/EN-US/GUID-CB50B901-3CE5-4E40-98C5-F5DC4CC6E128.html )

I’ve tried increasing my driver backswing speed and while it does allow the R10 to register the shots it’s not how I would normally swing and this costs in terms of consistency and distance. My iron backswings are all under 1.50 seconds as is so that’s why I suppose there’s no issue.

Maybe Garmin should increase the allowed backswing duration as not all golfers have an “ideal” backswing?