Is anyone getting accurate distances with R10?

I've seen the long post about people getting inaccurate distance readings, but wondered if that's the case for everyone or just for some users?  What about indoors?  Thank you.

  • Impossible to say.

    Probably most of those it is not working for will complain, and hardly any of those it is working for will say anything.

  • That's what I wondered.  I know in the watch section, if you read the comments, it would sound like they are hot garbage.  The reality is that 5% of people are having trouble and 95% aren't.

  • Yeah, I'm trying to be unbiased.

    Which I way I say the R10 is fantastic on range. It appears I get exactly the results I'm physically seing and expecting. Ok, some shots don't get the ball flight correct, but hey..

    Hitting into a net is another matter. I use practice balls, so I do not expect it to he dead accurate. I would be very surprised if it was. I only wish for a feature where I can manually compensate for the obvious difference in balls, but no reply. Adjusting the altitude etc will compensate some, but not for all clubs making it difficult to play hth.

    Currently I can max use 9 iron on hth, as this is the club that goes furthest.

    Frustrating as You know there is an easy fix allowing You to manually increase ball speed like on Optishot.

    So my biggest problem is not the R10 unit or the app, it's Garmins complete lack of responing to any request. Yes, they do it in the background, maybe, as we have seen on the latest Garmin Golf app, but why not tell us what they are working on and what we can expect? I mean 90% of the latest posts has been on the unit going to sleep randomly, and I believe a short message saying we know about it and we are working on a solution would be helpful. Cirrect, Garmin Rob?

  • Yes, the reports of the R10 going to sleep randomly is actively being investigated by our engineering team. 

  • There You go Slight smile

    Not too difficult.

    Can You also confirm that the developers are reading these posts?

    Reason for me asking is the thread where someone being in contact with support claiming it was only affecting ios users, which I know for a fact is wrong, since I'm all Android.

    We don't have the solution, but I see many posts with suggestions and tips I beliee developers may find useful. Not only for this topic, but many. First requirement is that they read it.

  • Hello,

    I have the same impression.

    In range the data are acceptable ( still a little short) but in a net with practice balls (Almost Golf) the distances are very, very, short and with hardly any differences between 8 iron and 5 iron. I'm also not sure if it measures the club path well, In my data, In to Out predominates, no matter how much I try to change the direction of the swing.

  • With practice balls the distances with longer clubs will be short.

    That is not necessarily an issue with the R10, but more the fact that smash factor will be way lower with these balls.

    A normal smash factor for a wedge is probably 1,1-1,2, and the difference between a real golf ball and a practice ball is not that big. And can be compensated with altitude setting.

    Real smash for a driver is around 1,45 to 1,5, and You will struggle to get this above 1,2 with a practice ball. I could hardly get it above 1, which means if I swing my driver at 90 mph, the ball speed will be around 95 mph, compared to the 135 I would get with a real golf ball.

    So the unit is not suitable for practice balls, except wedges and short irons. But You can still use it for swing training as the club data should still be correct. Club path I can't comment on. You should take video of Your shots to check. For this I use an app called virtualpro, but there are probably many out there.

  • A lot was already written on the subject. I would agree the distances are a bit short hitting into a net with a normal ball using the garmin golf app. I would think half a club until 7 iron and like a club for longer irons and woods. It seems to me the e6 data with course elavation to 0 seems more accurate to me and I mostly use this until garmin has fixed the issue. With the new version of the app you can adjust (I have mine at about 750 meter elavation) but still I trust the e6 numbers more. I have not used it indoors.

  • I did some comparison yesterday with Garmin Range and Awesome Golf Range.

    Using outdoors into a net and I have been very precise with set up regarding distance from ball to net and ball to R10, R10 is level (using a stand) and levelled with spirit level. I am using a new Srixon ad555 ball on a tee (no mat involved) tee gives the correct height in relation to the stand. Net is 11 feet away from the ball and I am in an open field 30 yards from the house and no other houses close by also no overhead electricity or telephone cables. Nice sunny day and no wind.

    R10 firstly calibrated, I put the ball on the tee while calibrating in case this makes a differance, Set distance to 7 feet and custom altitude to 5000 left temp and humidity at default.

    My clubs are very old a bit like me so I am not the fastest swinger in town.

    Using a 6 iron on Garmin range average carry 110 and total distance 120 yards.

    Using a 5 iron could not get any better than 6 iron.

    Awesome Golf Altitude set at 5000.

    Using a 6 Iron carry 130 total distance 150 yards.

    Using a 5 iron carry 140 total distance 160 yards.

    Is it possible for Garmin to consult with Awesome to see how their calculations are derived and come up with a solution.

    I cannot justify in paying a subscription to Awesome Golf when the R10 should work. and I would like to use Home Tee Hero but no point in paying for that until this problem is resolved.

  • Newly purchased. Distances short by at least 20%.   I can get it down to 10% by bumping the altitude to 10k and raising the back legs a tad.  Using an android phone.  Will not get Home Tee Hero until they fix this.  At least 'Awesome Golf' lets me bump the altitude enough to get the distances where I think they should be.  ~13k.  I don't have a PC or an iOs device.  I have Chromebook, Android, Macbook, and iPad. I notice the version of PC app is different from my Android version.  I suspect they haven't fixed the distance issue across all platforms?