My set up and what I’ve found

I got the R10 a little over a week ago and was excited to try it. I took it to my range to compare it with trackman. 

the r10 was all over the place and pretty consistently off, horwrver inout this down to it not being 100% level behind the range mat. I also had to raise it to the height of the range mat which proved difficult. 

so I went a bought a second hand cage and mat and the pics show my set up. 

I hit maybe 30 balls with a 7i and over all, I’d say it’s pretty spot on! 

the ball is 10ft from the net and the r10 8ft back. I think the r10 is ever so slightly above the mat but hard to tell as my garden isn’t level itself, but I liveled the block of wood it’s on using sand underneath it. 

I’ll continue to try different clubs/swing paths/shot shapes etc and keep you all informed. 

just hopefully showing that the little device CAN work, maybe it’s just about playing with distances etc

feel free to ask questions guys. Happy to help with the limited knowledge I have