- Garmin HTH - ANDROID & IOS Landscape mode as mentioned already by hundreds. 4:3 and 16:9 selectable options in settings to help with projectors ( use dead space if needed to ratio right ) See attached image for sample layout that includes all the needed data on one landscape screen.
- Allow for Mulligan selection after the quick temp screen ( its too fast and easy to miss ). Would love the option to see stats and mulligan via a button after the review screen has passed.
- Garmin HTH option for disabling the lie penalties
- Garmin HTM hole selection ( pick only a few holes on a course to play ( great for practice ). Perhaps button selectable when starting round.
- Garmin Range Fun Targets ( much like E6 )
- E6 on Android ( not in your hands I know ), but would love to ensure we have the E6 license availability if E6 does add Android.
- PGA2K21 tie in, perhaps via a Playstation 4/5? Could connect via bluetooth? THIS would be a competition killer!!!!