Update 3.30 causing the yardage issues?

Had 3.20 put of the box, it was mint. Updated to 3.30 and it started doing some weird stuff, short shots and lots of curvature.

Here's the issue. It's now miscalculating apex as yards when it should be feet.

My average apex with 3.20 was 30-34 yards. Now in 3.30 it's averaging around 90+ yards (when it should be 90 feet) apex which is almost 300 feet high. This is obviously not possible. It will affect each shot differently. Attaching photos of an example as well as that same data in the flightscope shot optimizer to show what it would look like with a correct apex number. This one actually came out a bit low, but garmin calculated a 74 yard apex, which is 288 feet. Higher than anyone in the world. The hangtime caused it to calculate way left, and inwould suspect is also throwing some other numbers off.

  • I had the same exact issue.  The firmware update completely changed my unit into a POC.  There are other pages on this forum that address the inaccuracy of the unit.  Could you post it there so we can all benefit from your input?

  • UPDATE Part 2 - I hit at the range and I was more mindful of waiting to hit when the bays next to me were not hitting.  It captured 69 out 112 shots, i.e. 69/112 = 62%, thus it missed 38%.  As for accuracy, it was more accurate than my last unit that was running on the 3.30 firmware update and had an error rate of about 30%.  This time, with the older version of the firmware, the error rate was approximately 5%.  However, at the time I hit a ball down the middle on a measured 245 carry (field markers & range finder) and no one else was hitting in the 5-6 bays to my right and left, it completely missed recording it at all.  It was a sunny day but I kept the unit and my phone in the shade (blocked the sun with my bag) while I hit.  I followed all the Garmin advice to align and space the unit (distance, level of hitting surface, etc.)