R10 Hardware Issues..!!?

From the ‘R10 Distances Off’ forum a user is now reporting that they’re having their unit replaced and Garmin support told them that ‘hardware changes have been made at the factory’… If true then early units may have a hardware issue….  

Can Garmin please confirm the position, and what units this affects (eg units manufactured before xx).

  • Well, the firmware update did help somewhat. When using home time hero, I didn't get the message as frequently as prior to the update. Awesome golf app froze in the middle of a game and the distance is still way off. 100 yards with pretty much all clubs, except driver where it's about 65 and chipping which is also inaccurate. Will spend some more time trying to see if there are alignment issues and try awesome golf and perhaps e6 to see how those perform. Still not totally satisfied, but at least I don't have to wake up on every shot and in between taking a shot. 

  • When You say driver is 65 yards, what club head speed, ball speed and launch angle does the Garmin say?

    What kind of ball are You using?