positioning R10


3 question on leveling and positioning the r10 :

1. If you use a mat, it says that the unit should not be below your mat. Is that including the tripod? Or the unit itself? It confuses me, because i don't think that there is a mat that is thicker then the height of the tripod. So, it seems an unnecessary statement if it is about the unit itself. 

2. It seems to come very precise how you level out the unit. But, when you use it outside and you have to put the unit on grass, then it is probably not leveled out exactly. Is that ok? How does that influence your data?

3. The minimum distance to the net suppose to be 2.4 meter. That is quit a lot. If you for example play with a sand wedge, the net need to be really high. And is more even better? How much better?


  • The tripod does not measure anything. The manual literally says "make sure the bottom edge of the device sits above the mat."

  • i do understand the the tripod measures nothing. But, the tripod holds the device a few inches about the ground. Maybe it needs that few inches

  • My question to add onto this would be... Are we supposed to have the camera snapped into place on the tripod or should we change that to level out?

    I play on perfectly flat concrete (driving mat on top) and everything put in place like the manual states.  However, with the camera locked into place the majority of my shots are off and/or short... But, if i change the camera angle by unsnapping from magnet making the camera level everything works as intended, at least to an extent.

    Anyone else notice this?

  • so many good questions here that i also have and its wishy washy as hell the instructions should be extremely detailed like the unit must be same level as mat with the tripod, leave camera in stock fixed location or adjust camera so its not points super f'n high.. my unit is accurate unless i use 9 iron or longer club....

  • Même question pour le trépied... je relance le sujet. Avec la hauteur du trépied, difficile d'avoir l'appareil sous le niveau de la balle... Donc, quoi comprendre?

  • Pour moi ca m'est egal. L'angle est tres importante, mais la hauteur n'importe pas.

  • J'ai essayé différentes hauteurs. J'ai même essayé de le mettre sur l'étui. Il n'y avait aucune différence.  Mais essayez d'aligner l'appareil du mieux que vous le pouvez.

  • Very smart questions. I have the exact same doubts. I have not been able to capture accurate distance data with my R10. Really disappointed. I will continue experimenting…

  • Agree on the disappointment comments. I had such high hopes but my values are WAY!! off. I don’t mind being a few yards short (even 10-20). But mine are way off. My 7 iron can’t get over 80 yards. My 5 iron goes 125. And that is total carry, not just flight. I’m looking to take to a better indoor sim setting or outdoor range soon. Good luck with experimenting. Keep me posted. 

  • I have an outdoor setting in my backyard (hitting into a 10’x10’x10’ cage). From R10 to hitting mat there are 7ft and from mat to net there are 11ft. I purchased a stand for the R10 on ebay and I am using a Ryobi level laser cube to ensure proper level and alignment of the unit. I have used the R10 during the day and during the night. I have experimented moving the unit to 4’, 5’, 6’, 7’, 8’, 9’, and 10’ behind the ball. No change in the results. Still can’t find a way to make the R10 readings accurate. I am a recreational golfer so, honestly, I don’t care much for a whole set of metrics. If I could get “somewhat” accurate readings for distance, direction and attack angle that would be more than OK to me. I like HTH but having to hit the ball 5-6 times just to make it to a par-4 green is no fun. Had really high hopes for the Garmin R10 but so far still disappointed. BTW, I am using the 3.9 version.