Is there a way to export "Golf Sim Sessions" data to a .csv or other file type to review on my Mac? Just got my R10 and I would like to explore the data a bit more offline.
Is there a way to export "Golf Sim Sessions" data to a .csv or other file type to review on my Mac? Just got my R10 and I would like to explore the data a bit more offline.
Hello, this feature request ticket is still being considered and reviewed by our engineering team. In the meantime, we are continuing to add interested customers to the ticket.
I wish I could tell you…
Just want to point you all to my program R10Analytics that I wrote to analyse your Garmin R10 data. It will show you how to export your data from Garmin and import it in the program. I just release the…
Same, or at least let it sync to Garmin Connect like the watches do. We don't want to go through a clunky app interface post-round to see all our stats from sessions.
Well, I am still waiting for the download link from Garmin..
So as of now I have no data available. (Like I said: 1995-solution...)
i have gone for a download several times the last one yesterday. They usually answer the same day as they did yesterday. with this new app they may be innundated.
in >click on icon to the left of the cart in the upper right
select Account
scroll down to MANAGE YOUR DATA
wait a little and you should finally see in green 'Your request has successfully submitted'
in an hour so or maybe longer you will get an email with a zip file. in the zip file is the file you are looking for.
Dear Sir,
Thank you Very much, i have followed your instructions and now waiting for the zip file...
I downloaded Power BI but it won't import the .json file. What is your trick? Thanks!
You can easily Import JSON data in ms excel. Just Google it
you will find the JSON file into the Download request from GarmiN
A problem with this approach is that the main session information file does not contain information about the clubs. It only has an id for each clubs. You need to combine the data with two other JSON files to get the club names and types. If you install my R10Analytics program ( you can import the data there. You can then either inspect the data in the program or export it as a .CSV file that combines shots and club information. This can then be inspected in Excel. (Program is free; only for Windows)
on the opening screen of Power BI click 'Get Data'. this will take you to a screen where you can select JSON
select the gamin file GolF-SIM_SESSION.JSON. a large table opens up with all sessions, shots and parameters. one row per shot with 38 columns.
you are still in Power BI. in the upper left corner of the table is a little icon (like a little spreadsheet). Click it and select
Copy Entire Table. paste it in an excel sheet.
Lookt at Mark Overmars solution. It is more elegant.
I saw your software and thought how cool, but I didn’t manage to install python etc.
after that I saw the excel import of json and that’s pretty easy to get the data into excel to analyze
Sound similar helpful to get the data into Excel