Is there a way to export "Golf Sim Sessions" data to a .csv or other file type to review on my Mac? Just got my R10 and I would like to explore the data a bit more offline.
Is there a way to export "Golf Sim Sessions" data to a .csv or other file type to review on my Mac? Just got my R10 and I would like to explore the data a bit more offline.
Hello, this feature request ticket is still being considered and reviewed by our engineering team. In the meantime, we are continuing to add interested customers to the ticket.
I wish I could tell you…
Just want to point you all to my program R10Analytics that I wrote to analyse your Garmin R10 data. It will show you how to export your data from Garmin and import it in the program. I just release the…
Same, or at least let it sync to Garmin Connect like the watches do. We don't want to go through a clunky app interface post-round to see all our stats from sessions.
Thanks Mark. Much appreciated. Will do!
Thanks Mark! Appreciate your efforts. Silly Garmin hasn't implemented this and you've done it singlehandedly.
Yes please add me to the ticket for exporting stats
There is a very easy way on the PC to look at the json file that is in the data export file from Garmin. Use Power BI from msft. You will end up wiht one big tabke fiwh all the sessions with all the shots with all the parameters.
There is a very easy way to do this on the PC. Download Power BI a free app from msft. You simply open the json file that is in the data export from Garmin. You will have a big table with all the sessions with all the shots with all the parameters. You can slice and dice this to your hearts content
Hi, I have looked in my Garmin folder but don’t have data export.
available floders
i have looked in each of the folders sime are empty and others have 1-10 kb tit files. No JSON. Am I’m looking in the right folder or is my R10 not uploading the data into the folders
I really do believe it is an absolute disgrace, that Garmin has not solved two vital challenges regarding R10 session data by now:
1) To EASILY download only the session data in a standard spreadsheet format and/or
2) To offer a solution for analysis of ones own (multiple) session data at home on my computer.
A personal user has now (july 2022) made available such an analytical application for free use, but still Garmin has a 1995-solution for downloading session data - which may take days or weeks to complete.
So, either Garmin has to stop telling people "we are looking into this, but its complicated..." or get its act together.
i agree with you totally. Can you point me to the (july 2022) free application from a personal user you speak of. I quite by accident stumpled on a a very easy way to get the data into an excel spreadsheet too. I would like to compare notes with this person
You dont have to go far: Check out Mark Overmars' post above...
ok thanks. His solution is much more elaborate. I was just trying to get all the sessions with all the shots with all the parameters into one excel sheet. One row for each shot in each session with 35 columns. How you analyize it is up to you. BTW when i tried Mark's app i was only able to get one session. Were you able to get them all?