Just how good are your listening ears Garmin.More and more golfers and potential customers require/ would like shot tracking functionality. Is this such a huge ask in todays digital world given the perceived capabilities of this product. Garmin your customers perceptions are the reality that you have to live with. My G80 (a gift, not purchase) has broken new ground but with too many voices saying it should have better functionality it will soon be a product that did not deliver as much as it could have. Garmin will then have a product that will be noted as underwhelming, and that reputation will lead to sales of the same order. How much better if forum posts and reviews were out there shouting about the myriad of tasks Garmins G80 swiss army golf tool delivers.
So start listening and start delivering I would hate to have to spend money getting useful functionality only to tell my companions that the G80 was almost a gimme in my bag