Is it possible to reimport CSV file exported first with --data option?

Using the fitcsvtool -b --data options, and reimporting the csv file without doing any editing fails. 
The fit file contains a developer field (glucose data) that I would like to modify.  My first test was to reimport the csv file without doing any edits or manipualtion at all, but it fails stating than the fit file migth be truncated.
Exported as: java -jar fitcsvtool.jar  -s --data  and then trying t reimport as  java -jar fitcsvtool.jar"  -c 2024-03-09-17-57-01_data.csv
Is it even possible to reimport a csv file exported with the option --data?  This option allows for better editing in excel or any other csv tool. I also have tried without the option -s, but same result.