How to get a decent data set of fit files with power and HRV data?

Maybe only point 2 is only relevant for the group. But since it came up after implementing de C# FIT SDK I thought why not ask here. 

Between 2001 and 2006, I worked with a couple of brands that no longer exist. During that time, I combined HRV data with power data. Although I haven’t worked with this for a couple of years, I thought it would be a great idea to rewrite the algorithms I had used back then. You can find more information here. I have already written an import for fit files on my site and implemented the math. However, I have asked multiple athletes, including pro cycling teams, to upload their fit files, but none of them recorded HRV data during exercise. So, I have two questions:

  1. Can somebody perhaps share a decent dataset? I only need a consistent set of 2-3 riders that train at least 3-4 times a week during 2-3 months. I'll use it to demo different aspects of training. The only data I need is HRV and power output recorded during training. Of course, decent HRV measurements by a chest strap and not a wrist device are necessary.

2. Is HRV removed on some devices (not all tested files were from Garmin products, by the way), or are there special settings on devices that need to be enabled? How can I get an overview of the devices that log both at the same time? It feels really weird that people I spoke to about this suggested that it would be easiest to create my own phone app or something, but that feels like a waste of time.

Kind regards,

Martijn Carol