About csv file data

I am a student who is trying to use it for my graduate research.

After converting the fit file with FitTOCSV.bat, I opened the csv file, but I cannot understand the contents.

The original data file name is "154442252182_SLEEP_DATA.fit", which is the sleep data collected from garmin.
I cannot understand the contents of the csv file that was converted from it.
I don't understand which function corresponds to which data, what these numbers mean, etc.

The following image is part of the content of the csv file.

Please provide an explanation.

  • I'm in the same boat, I have managed to do a bit of learning using the tools available in the public domain. I'd start by going through to profile.xlsx file in the SDK to understand what some of the fields are and the values that sit under them.  This will go a long way once you've worked out how to get local time from timestamps and timestamp_16s.

    For starters, I would recommend using the command line java version of FIT2CSV and utilising the -iso8601 option to automatically convert your timestamps to UTC time (which you may need to offset +/- according to your UTC offset as a decimal of 24 hours). 

    Good luck!

  • Thanks for the reply!
    I would like to convert to Japan time as I live in Japan, do you know of a command like "-iso8601"?

  • ISO8601 is a standard for formatting date and time values as a strings that removes the ambiguity in how to interpret the values. In general ISO8601 dates strings take the form of yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ. The Z meaning that the value is in UTC. To convert from UTC to local time you need to add a timezone offset. In the eastern hemisphere the offsets are positive and in the western hemisphere the offsets are negative. For Japan Standard Time the offset is +9 hours.