To whomever,
My goal: make development suggestions to the development team. How can this be done? First I will start with a bit of histroy to explain why I think it is needed. After that I will give one example of why I think the Zumo 590 was terrbile. After that I would like give an example of how I think it can be done much better.
I'm in the market for a New GPS device. And for the last ten years it has been one dissapointment after an other. It all started with the Zumo 590LM. I have found the device abolutely terrible to use. It was easy the wordt prodcut I have ever spend money on. Without going into the details: it had lots of secondary functions that made the core functionality complex to use. In the beginning i thought it was just me not understanding the device. But as I dug some deeper: everybody seemed to just accept the weird software quircks. For a device of 600 euro's at the time that was unacceptable to me.
To give one of many examples. The Zumo XT is a motor bike GPS device. One of its core features is to navigate pre-made routes. One of the features on the zumo was: adding a fuel stop to the route. Very would think. But depending on what he source file of your route was the behaviour of the device was different. If you would have a route prepared (waypoint with track inforamtion in between the waypoints). You could simply load the route and it would be exactly as on the computer. No problems. If you would than want to add a fuel stop to the route te Zumo would ask: between what waypoints do you want to add the fuel stop? Well: how the F* should I know? There are like 50 to 100 waypoints in a route. I have no idea. All I know is that I need to find a stop within the next 50km's to 100 km's. If possible as close to the route as possbile. In any practical sense this makes the the function useless during route driving on the bike. But that is not the wordt. Let's assume I do exactly know between what waypoint I would like the have the fuel stop. The Zumo would add it without much problems --- but it would recalcuate the entire route. If depending on your device setting the route could be etnirely different from what you had before (short, curve, eco etc etc). So here you have a function that is bordeline useless but with the potential effect to entirely detroy your route.
What I heard from the XT so for: many f these fundamental problems have not been adressed. Yet allot of new non essential features have been added --> make the device liekly just more complex to use.
As a new user I had no idea what was happening. As a more experianced user I did not understand any company would allow this to be produced. It think development from users is really really needed.
So: how / where to give development input?