Dezl 700 re-routing stinks

I'm a truck driver  and I have a dezl 700 lgv and I have started to notice that when I have a road closure on my role the satnav will re-route not using my preferences a considerably longer new route. Here is an example, M4 Bristol to London J16 to J15 closed. The route it recalculated was to get off at J17 head north to Cirencester, east to the A40 pick up the M40 down to the M25 adding around 40 minutes to my trip. However I thought there's got to be a better route so I decided to stay on the M4 leaving at J16, the satnav then recalculated a new rout which was 20 minutes longer! My question is why does it not give me that option first as I have my settings set to fastest route?

Help with this would be greatly appreciated.
