Hallo zusammen, habe mir gerade die 3.07 Beta geladen, mal schauen ob die bekannten Probleme behoben sind :rolleyes: .
Change History
Changes made from version 3.06 to 3.07:
Fixed a bug that unlocked the device automatically while in manual lock mode.
Fixed a bug that can sometimes show 'Waiting for data' message on the daily weather widget.
Fixed a bug that could reset the device occasionally when trying to view daily weather forecast.
Fixed a bug that introduced gaps to all day HR graphs in Garmin Connect.
Fixed a bug with activity uploads which caused the recorded activity to not show up on Garmin Connect.
Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.06:
Added support for Screen lock to prevent unintentional swipes/clicks. Screen lock can be set to auto-lock from settings or locked manually from the power menu (press and hold on the button).
Added 4 day weather forecast that can be viewed with a press on the current weather widget.
Improvements to Resting HR. It may take some time before you see your new Resting HR.
Improvements to Intensity Minutes.
Improvements to Floors climbed algorithm to filter false positives.
Vibration intensity of Incoming call and Smart Notifications are now more distinct.
Minor improvements to battery life.
Other minor bug fixes and improvements.