Ich hab mal eine Frage, ist der neue Forerunner 920 XT auch mit der Tanita Waage BC 1000 kompartibel. Der Forerunner 910XT konnte damit gekoppelt werden aber in dem Handbuch des 920 XT finde ich zu dem Thema nichts.
Sportliche Grüße,
Instance Attribute Summary (collapse)
- (Object) deviceNumber
Unique device number (ANT-id).
- (Object) deviceType
1-Byte device type identifier (See ANT Protocol for pre-defined Device Types).
- (Object) messagePeriod
Message period that the sensor uses.
- (Object) radioFrequency
Radio frequency that the sensor operates on.
- (Object) searchThreshold
Proximity threshold bin.
- (Object) searchTimeoutHighPriority
High Priority search timeout (2.5s increments) that a receiving channel will wait for in order to start tracking a master.
- (Object) searchTimeoutLowPriority
Low Priority search timeout (2.5s increments) that a receiving channel will wait for in order to start tracking a master.
- (Object) transmissionType
Manufacturer-specific transport type and extended device number.