Change History
Changes made from version 11.00 to 11.01:
Added support for 12-speed shifting sensors.
Fixed data field issues when using a shifting system with no front derailleur.
Fixed issue where radar would not automatically reconnect after being disconnected for more than 2 minutes.
Updated RTL510 and RTL500 light modes for Auto and Trail modes.
Fixed Varia lights not activating when starting an activity.
Made several improvements to the Sensor Details UI for Vector 3 power meters.
Fixed average power balance data field not working correctly.
Added the option to choose the radar alert tone.
Fixed an issue where setting the device language through Garmin Connect would result in the language defaulting back to English.
Fixed an issue where going through the data screen flow would automatically enable the screen.
Fixed an issue preventing the device from manually connecting to a network SSID.