Trailforks error/ not opening

I have set up my 530 and updated via the pc and set up using Garmin connect . I also signed in and Authorised Trailforks through app . When I open Trailforks either through mtb navigation or going through ConnectIQ to Trailforks ,I get message log on then when I do this it gives message transferring credentials then another message appears map already unlocked then it automatically exits and returns to main screen. At no point do I see the Trailforks menu with routes etc. Tia.

  • habe das selbe Problem. Wenn ich über die Trailforks App auf dem Gerät die Anmeldung durchführe, kommt die Meldung "Karte ist bereits freigeschalten". Dann springt die Ansicht zurück auf den Homescreen. In der Aktivität kann ich die Trailforks-Karte zum Aktivieren gar nicht auswählen. Sie wird nicht angezeigt. Über Garmin Express bietet es nur eine Trailforks-Karte von 2019.10 an. Mein Edge 530 ist ganz neu und die Trailforkskarte hat noch nie funktioniert. Wie kann das sein?

  • I have it working now.

    I reset everything including  reinstalling the Garmin connect app.

    then reinstalled the app and also Garmin connect IQ app and trail forks app . 
    then  pair the phone with the Garmin again log on to Trailforks on Garmin in the IQ menu.while having the Garmin app open  which allows me to  Authorise the device.

    Then I logged on to Trailforks app on pc and created routes snd saved them . Then I opened the  Trailforks app on my phone and the routes appear there. 
    then open Gatineau app on phone and sync .

    then open Trailforks on Garmin and in my routes it was there.

    hope this helps.

  • Also I only log in Trailforks on Garmin once.

    Every other time I select cancel log in on the Garmin and then the Trailforks menu appears.

  • If I select cancel the Trailfork menu appears as well. But the map is still not visible. I can´t select the map in the navigation menue. It is not listed...